by admin | Dec 16, 2013 | Bible Exegesis/Exposition, Discipleship, Hope
by Leon Johnson – Let’s consider John 14:1-11. In the TV game Jeopardy, you guess letters until you can guess the word or phrase, they give you a hint to get you started. One of those hints is “before and after.” Verse 1 of Chapter 14 is like that. ...
by admin | Dec 9, 2013 | Death, Grace, Hope, Suffering
by Mark McGinniss and Rod Decker – These articles (Rod’s and Mark’s) were birthed from a conversation they had in Rod’s study as they shared their journey of suffering. When Rod was diagnosed with aggressive cancer, Mark stopped by his study and mentioned that Rod...
by admin | Nov 15, 2013 | Bible, Hope, Spiritual Formation
by Robert Wren – As I sit down to write this, I do so as someone who has been changed by my interaction with the Word of God. This has not been a once-for-all type of change, but rather an ongoing change that is constantly affected and reinforced each time that I...
by admin | Oct 24, 2013 | Death, Hope
by Bruce Baker – I read an article recently that encouraged the blogging of letters that others might find valuable. I find myself writing a private letter on a topic that others may find helpful. I’ve decided to start posting such letters as they occur, omitting...
by admin | Oct 21, 2013 | Eschatology, Hope, Jesus, teachings of
by Mike Stallard – Over the last few years I have been doing some thinking about being “gospel-centered.” Much of the motivation for such talk within evangelicalism is positive. This has taken on the aura of a mantra in many quarters. The rise of conferences like...