The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

A Few Reflections For This Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas! I wanted to take a moment of time to write a very brief reflection on Christmas. Take some time to ponder what is written below as you enjoy this wonderful time of year! It truly is one of my favorite parts of the year. I love the spirit of giving,...

Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom: The Great Puzzle

by David Gunn – The relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility (or free moral agency) has long been a fixation for me. At one time I held to a strongly Calvinistic position complete with meticulous predestination. During the course of my studies...

The Precedent for Literal Grammatical Historical Hermeneutics in Genesis

In order to arrive at a Scriptural approach for interpreting Scriptures, the interpretive method must be exegetically derived from within the Scriptural text. Otherwise, there can be no claim to hermeneutic certainty, because any externally derived interpretive method...

7 Core Values for Effective Life and Ministry

#1 The Supremacy of His Glory It’s simple: It is all about Him, end of story. Ephesians 1 illustrates how Father (1:6), Son (1:12), and Holy Spirit (1:14) each work together for the glory of God. His activities serve His own purpose of expressing His character,...

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A Theology of Planning, Part 2

A Theology of Planning, Part 2

by Daniel Goepfrich – Having been part of a research group for an eBook that is being written on the “theology of planning,” I am answering seven questions about planning that the author posed to us. Because of the length, I’m sharing my thoughts in three posts. You...

The Bible on the Ethicality of Abortion

The Bible on the Ethicality of Abortion

by David Gunn – The ongoing debate over the ethical viability of abortion has tended to center on the issue of when precisely life may be said to begin. The reason for this is not difficult to grasp: if it is granted that life begins at conception, then it logically...

Is God’s Word Enough? Part 1

Is God’s Word Enough? Part 1

by Steve Spurlin – What follows is a portion of a presentation that I made several years ago.  The topic is a “life and death” issue, figuratively speaking, for the Church today.  Unfortunately, some of my documentation has been lost and some quotes are not attributed...

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