The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

An Apologetic to the Objectivist Worldview of Ayn Rand

by Jennifer Ewing –“Who is John Galt?” this is the pressing mystery in Rand’s bestseller Atlas Shrugged. He is Ayn Rand’s ideal thinking man; an inventor and philosopher who decided to organize intellectuals to strike against the corrupt and parasitic societies and...

Will the Real Worship Leader Please Stand Up?!

IS MUSIC WORSHIP? Today, churches, Christian universities, and seminaries most commonly associate the word worshipand worship artswith music and any activity related to it such as music programming, music media presentation, the creation of mood and atmosphere with...

Thinking About He That is Spiritual, Part 1

by Steve Spurlin – Most people, if they know anything at all about Dispensationalism, believe that it really only affects the area of end-times prophecy, and certain books of the Bible such as Daniel and Revelation.  However, it is not possible for this to be the case...

God’s Purpose for One Man’s Blindness

by Cory Marsh – An Exegetical Case Study in John 9 Concerning God’s use of Physical Handicaps   Introduction When it comes to theological interrogations, Jesus will not backed in a corner. This is true whether the questioners are antagonists (Matt 22:23-40), or...

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Covenants: Clarity, Ambiguity, and Faith

Covenants: Clarity, Ambiguity, and Faith

by Paul Henebury – Why Make a Covenant? In Genesis 21 is an episode where a Philistine leader, Abimelech, comes to Abraham and wants him to “swear… that you will not deal falsely with me, with my offspring, or with my posterity…” (21:23).  Abraham consented, but there...

The Sufficiency of Scripture: Is God’s Word Enough? Part 4

The Sufficiency of Scripture: Is God’s Word Enough? Part 4

by Steve Spurlin – To all who have read these recent posts I will remind that the documentation of quotes has been lost.  Therefore, many of the quotes are not properly attributed to those who made them. I recently began a series of articles dealing with the...

Confidence in the Word

Confidence in the Word

by Gary Gilley – Communication, in this modern age of communication, can be frustrating on many levels. Consider the common cell phone. Many nimbly leap from phone call to text message to taking a picture of a friend, all with the efficiency of a technological Jedi....

What Is Wrong With Man?

What Is Wrong With Man?

by Andy Woods – The Real Reason for Violence Because of the recent shooting and stabbing spree by Elliot Rodger near Santa Barbara University last Friday, we are once again engulfed in a national conversation concerning what caused the killer to do what he did. When...

Is It Ever Okay to Disobey?

Is It Ever Okay to Disobey?

by Ron J. Bigalke – Participation of Christians in civil disobedience will customarily involve unlawful activity. Therefore, it will involve disobedience to civil law or a recognized authority. Response to this issue is important since the growth of government should...

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