The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

The Supremacy of Christ

by Jeff Heslop – Have you ever thought about how important it is to have confidence in people or things you depend on? For example, we often depend on a good friend for help in times of need, for good counsel, and for companionship. But what if we discover that our...

The Importance and Balance of Pure Doctrine and Love In the Counseling Process

Introduction In the foreword of the book Psychobabble, John MacArthur wrote, We who know the Lord, who have His Word, and who are indwelt by His Spirit are entrusted with too many heavenly resources to be mucking about with the utterly bankrupt wisdom that is the best...

Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom: The Great Puzzle

by David Gunn – The relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility (or free moral agency) has long been a fixation for me. At one time I held to a strongly Calvinistic position complete with meticulous predestination. During the course of my studies...

Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, and a Biblical Worldview

Artifical Intelligence has been receiving much attention in recent months. The first inklings of artificial intelligence were seen in 2011 when a supercomputer named “Watson” in the game show Jeopardy beat Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, two of the greatest Jeopardy...

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A Few Reflections For This Christmas Morning

A Few Reflections For This Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas! I wanted to take a moment of time to write a very brief reflection on Christmas. Take some time to ponder what is written below as you enjoy this wonderful time of year! It truly is one of my favorite parts of the year. I love the spirit of giving,...

The Reformation: A Matter of Interpretation (Part 2)

The Reformation: A Matter of Interpretation (Part 2)

The Dark Age and the Medieval Period (c. 300-1517 AD) Although literal, normal interpretation did exist during this period, the prevailing form of interpretation was that of allegorical, which was strictly employed by the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman church’s...

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