The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

Quick History of the Jewish Rulers During the New Testament Era

Jewish Rulers During the New Testament Era Herod the Great The Romans allowed natives of Palestine to rule under their authority. One of the most significant of these Jewish rulers was Herod the Great.[1] He was required to gain control of Palestine by force. With the...

The Importance and Balance of Pure Doctrine and Love In the Counseling Process

Introduction In the foreword of the book Psychobabble, John MacArthur wrote, We who know the Lord, who have His Word, and who are indwelt by His Spirit are entrusted with too many heavenly resources to be mucking about with the utterly bankrupt wisdom that is the best...

A Biblical Case for the Consistent Normal Grammatical Historical Method from the Life of Joseph

The most important rule in hermeneutics, which is defined as the ability to explain (or interpret) the Scriptures properly is a technique that is commonly known as the literal historical-grammatical method. One such website describes the literal historical-grammatical...

The Supremacy of Christ

by Jeff Heslop – Have you ever thought about how important it is to have confidence in people or things you depend on? For example, we often depend on a good friend for help in times of need, for good counsel, and for companionship. But what if we discover that our...

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When a Believer Dies

When a Believer Dies

by Bruce Baker – I read an article recently that encouraged the blogging of letters that others might find valuable. I find myself writing a private letter on a topic that others may find helpful. I’ve decided to start posting such letters as they occur, omitting...

The Greatest is Love

The Greatest is Love

by Keith Sherlin – There are two errors in the world today that represent the two pendulums of sin. One is the error of the liberals. I define the term liberal in this context as one who does not believe and submit to the authority of the inspired Scriptures. These...

The Honor of Missionaries

by S. Jeff Heslop - Charles Hodge was an outstanding Princeton theologian of the 19th century.  He taught theology for some 50 years and was known around the world.  He also held missions work in the highest regard. About a year before his death he was personally...

Book Review: The Harbinger

Book Review: The Harbinger

by Tommy Ice – The Harbinger [1] is a fictional account of what its author, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn believes is a scenario that is on the verge of happening to America, unless there is national repentance. This New York Times bestseller, though written as a work...

The Necessity of Dispensationalism

The Necessity of Dispensationalism

by Charles Ryrie – One of the evident features of the history of Christian doctrine is the fact that the church generally focused its discussions on one area of theology at a time. In our own day the area is eschatology, and discussions of eschatology are being heard...

The Purpose of Theology

by Daniel Goepfrich – There are a lot of remarks people make that can discourage or frustrate me. “We’re leaving the church.” “I got a detention.” “The doctor just called, and it’s not good.” One that really gets me is when a Christian says: “Yeah, well, I’m just not...

What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt. 2)

What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt. 2)

by Paul Martin Henebury – Progressive revelation relies in the first instance upon the competence of how that revelation has been communicated.  To deny this point is to cast doubt upon the utility of the modifier “progressive.”  Revelation has to reveal or else it is...

Which Wolf Will You Feed?

by Joseph Parle – An old Cherokee once told his grandson, “A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false...

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