The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

A Biblical Case for the Consistent Normal Grammatical Historical Method from the Life of Joseph

The most important rule in hermeneutics, which is defined as the ability to explain (or interpret) the Scriptures properly is a technique that is commonly known as the literal historical-grammatical method. One such website describes the literal historical-grammatical...

The Reformation: A Matter of Interpretation (Part 1)

The date was October 31, 1517.  A young Augustinian monk nailed a list of ninety-five points of disagreement with the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church.  His name, of course, was Martin Luther.  Most people in the sphere of Christendom know his name.  However,...

Will the Real Worship Leader Please Stand Up?!

IS MUSIC WORSHIP? Today, churches, Christian universities, and seminaries most commonly associate the word worshipand worship artswith music and any activity related to it such as music programming, music media presentation, the creation of mood and atmosphere with...

An Apologetic to the Objectivist Worldview of Ayn Rand

by Jennifer Ewing –“Who is John Galt?” this is the pressing mystery in Rand’s bestseller Atlas Shrugged. He is Ayn Rand’s ideal thinking man; an inventor and philosopher who decided to organize intellectuals to strike against the corrupt and parasitic societies and...

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A Brief History of Early Premillenialism

A Brief History of Early Premillenialism

by Tommy Ice – I believe that premillennialism is so clearly taught in Revelation 19 and 20 that I still cannot understand how anyone can think otherwise without realizing deep down that they are going against the biblical text. A kingdom reign of the Messiah was just...

The Progressive Dispensationalist’s Hermeneutic

The Progressive Dispensationalist’s Hermeneutic

by Daniel Thomas – When interpreting Scripture it is vital that the interpreter purges any preconceived perceptions on which they believe the Scripture ought teach and place the focus on what the original writer intended. To mask the interpretative process with any...

Glorify God: Enjoy Him Forever

Glorify God: Enjoy Him Forever

by Joseph Parle – Several passages in the Bible teach the importance of living in order to reflect the glory of God (Isa. 43:7; Mat. 5:16; 1 Cor. 6:20, 10:31; 2 Cor. 4:15; 1 Pet. 2:12, 4:16; et al.).  As the Westminster Confession has so aptly stated “the chief end of...

What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt. 3)

What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt. 3)

by Paul Martin Henebury – We have seen that the idea of progressive revelation is connected to two things: the intent behind the communication, and the boundaries prescribed by previous revelation/communication.  I have said that these two concerns, together with a...

Keep It Clear And Simple

Keep It Clear And Simple

by Charlie Bing – Good communication is an art--especially appreciated when it comes to sharing the gospel. Here's how to keep the content and condition clear. Introduction What does a person have to believe in order to be saved? I have heard everything from "Believe...

You, the Specialist

You, the Specialist

by Daniel Goepfrich – We live in a world that celebrates specialists. It seems that nearly every industry has an infinite number of areas with people who specialize in just that area. Now that doesn’t mean they can do nothing else. It means that they have chosen to...

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