The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

The Relevance of Biblical Hermeneutics for the Christian Life

How we interpret the Bible matters. In fact, biblical hermeneutics have an incredible relevance for the Christian life. As God’s word brings us a much more detailed knowledge of our Creator (2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Pet 1:20-21), we learn through this word of our failure (Rom...

Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, and a Biblical Worldview

Artifical Intelligence has been receiving much attention in recent months. The first inklings of artificial intelligence were seen in 2011 when a supercomputer named “Watson” in the game show Jeopardy beat Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, two of the greatest Jeopardy...

Biblical Counseling Series: The Reformed (Covenant) Approach Vs. The Dispensational Approach (Part Two)

In the last article, we examined the Reformed and Dispensational approaches to counseling. I noted although there were some similarities between the two theological systems, and there were also vast differences.The Reformed counselor observes problems, and solutions,...

A Short History of Dispensationalism

It is doubtful if there has been any other circle of men [dispensationalists] who have done more by their influence in preaching, teaching and writing to promote a love for Bible study, a hunger for the deeper Christian life, a passion for evangelism and zeal for...

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Why Are There Four Gospels? Part 2

Why Are There Four Gospels? Part 2

by Henry Vosburgh – Matthew – The Gospel to the Jews   The author. Matthew himself was one of the twelve disciples who walked with the Lord throughout most of his earthly ministry; this then makes Matthew an eyewitness to the Lord Jesus. Also called Levi, Matthew...

What Are the Spiritual Songs of the Bible?

What Are the Spiritual Songs of the Bible?

by Arnfield P. Cudal – Having read Rob Slane’s article, “Why the church needs to sing the Psalms,” and the article, “The Hymns of the Bible,” the answer to the next question, “What are spiritual songs?” becomes more needful. The question now is not about whether these...

Developing Joy as a Father

Developing Joy as a Father

by Christopher Cone – “I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.” With these words from his third letter (3 John 4), John shows us what fatherhood is really all about. He underscores the endgame for fathers, and it is much simpler...

Evangelism in Focus: Faith-Based Stories

Evangelism in Focus: Faith-Based Stories

by Carey Kinsolving – In today's media climate, a journalist actually on the lookout for good news may sound like an oxymoron, but even more rare is a journalist whose journey-of-faith feature stories have appeared in The Washington Post and other major newspapers....

Reconstructionism, Theonomy, and Dominion Theology

Reconstructionism, Theonomy, and Dominion Theology

by Gary Gilley – There is a movement about that is casting a long shadow for its size. It is known by different handles such as reconstructionism, kingdom theology, theonomy, and dominion theology, and it is a curious blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and...

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