The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

Quick History of the Jewish Rulers During the New Testament Era

Jewish Rulers During the New Testament Era Herod the Great The Romans allowed natives of Palestine to rule under their authority. One of the most significant of these Jewish rulers was Herod the Great.[1] He was required to gain control of Palestine by force. With the...

Does 1 John 1:9 Affirm that Believers Should Confess Their Sins?

by Roger Fankhauser [1] – First John 1:9 makes a very clear statement, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” However, not all agree on who “we” identifies. Some take it as believers only,...

Biblical Counseling: The Reformed (Covenant) Approach vs. The Dispensational Approach (Part Five)

In the previous article, we examined the difference between the Reformed and Dispensational approach to Biblical counseling concerning the word nouthetic (or admonish). It was seen that the Reformed approach of nouthetic was appropriate in one aspect of Biblical...

Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom: The Great Puzzle

by David Gunn – The relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility (or free moral agency) has long been a fixation for me. At one time I held to a strongly Calvinistic position complete with meticulous predestination. During the course of my studies...

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The Case for Inclusive Psalmody

The Case for Inclusive Psalmody

by Arnfield P. Cudal – Because psalm-singing was not a tradition in the evangelical church I grew up in, my encounter with singing the Psalms seemed like a novelty at first, but as appreciation and familiarity in singing the Psalms grew, it has come to be one of the...

What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt.4)

What is Progressive Revelation? (Pt.4)

by Paul Martin Henebury – Revelation Cannot Be Divorced From the Character of the Revealer Plain-speaking is usually thought to be a virtue.  One should say what one means.  On the other hand, it is not a virtue to use words which one knows beforehand may lead another...

Why Are There Four Gospels? Part 3

Why Are There Four Gospels? Part 3

by Henry Vosburgh – The second reason is to reveal an entire presentation of Jesus to all humanity. Four Gospels by four unique writers with four target audiences – it only follows that there would be a four-fold presentation of Jesus Christ in order to reveal the...

Finding & Following God’s Will, Part 1

Finding & Following God’s Will, Part 1

by Steve Spurlin − I have been noticing an upswing in the discussion concerning how God speaks to HIs people today.  The arguments range from the idea that God still speaks to each individual believer through dreams, visions, audible voice, and other people, to those...

What About the Sabbath?

What About the Sabbath?

by George Gunn – The question of Sabbath observance often comes up A full answer to this question could get quite long. Here's the short version. There are several things to keep in mind regarding the Sabbath: The first reference to the Sabbath, Genesis 2:2-3 says...

Keeper of Mysteries

Keeper of Mysteries

by Matt Hagemeier − Yesterday I woke up, and my shoulders screamed. Knots were climbing up and down my spine, swinging joyfully through my neck, and taking raucous residence in the penthouse at the top of my skull. I tried stretching and deep breathing, an...

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