The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

Biblical Counseling: The Reformed (Covenant) Approach vs. The Dispensational Approach (Part Five)

In the previous article, we examined the difference between the Reformed and Dispensational approach to Biblical counseling concerning the word nouthetic (or admonish). It was seen that the Reformed approach of nouthetic was appropriate in one aspect of Biblical...

Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom: The Great Puzzle

by David Gunn – The relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility (or free moral agency) has long been a fixation for me. At one time I held to a strongly Calvinistic position complete with meticulous predestination. During the course of my studies...

The Danger of Aesop and Role Models: The Bible as a Resource Book

Ours is a trivial age, and the church has been deeply affected by this pervasive triviality....Ours is a self-absorbed, human-centered age, and the church has become, sadly, even treasonably self-centered.[1] While God wants to give us everlasting life, we settle for...

Thinking About He That is Spiritual, Part 1

by Steve Spurlin – Most people, if they know anything at all about Dispensationalism, believe that it really only affects the area of end-times prophecy, and certain books of the Bible such as Daniel and Revelation.  However, it is not possible for this to be the case...

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What Happens When Christians Sin?

What Happens When Christians Sin?

by Jeff Heslop – The Bible teaches us as followers of Christ to be holy because our God is holy, Lev 19:2; 1 Pet 1:16.  We are to be like Him.  But often we are not.  When we commit sins we are not being like God.  Yet when we commit sins, we do not lose our right...

The Words of the Gospel of Eternal Life

The Words of the Gospel of Eternal Life

by Mike Stallard – I appreciate last year's article by Duane Litfin in Christianity Today, May 2012, entitled You Can’t Preach the Gospel with Deeds and Why It’s Important to Say So.  In some earlier posts and previous articles I have lamented the problem of expanding...

A Historical Account of the Synod of Dort

A Historical Account of the Synod of Dort

by David Gunn – On November 13, 1618, the first session of the Synod of Dort was called to order. It would result in an indelible codification of Calvinistic soteriology that is still wildly popular some four centuries later. However, the chief purpose of the synod...

God as Administrator

God as Administrator

by Daniel Goepfrich – Recently at Oak Tree Church I taught on Ephesians 1:7-12, emphasizing the freedom we gain through Christ’s salvation. However, in this passage there is an important phrase that I did not have time to address. Paul wrote:     In him...

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