The Christian’s Motivation for Serving God

by Charlie Bing – Why do Christians serve God? Why should Christians live a godly life? At one time or another most believers have probably questioned their motives for service and godly living. The purpose of this study is to explore motivations for Christian service...

The Importance and Balance of Pure Doctrine and Love In the Counseling Process

Introduction In the foreword of the book Psychobabble, John MacArthur wrote, We who know the Lord, who have His Word, and who are indwelt by His Spirit are entrusted with too many heavenly resources to be mucking about with the utterly bankrupt wisdom that is the best...

Does the Church Worship on the Sabbath Day?

by George Gunn – A key distinction between Israel and the Church involves Sabbath observance. Neglect in distinguishing between Israel and the Church has caused great confusion over the significance of the Sabbath. Traditional supersessionist thinking has caused many...

An Alternative to the Vanity of Life

by Cory Marsh – The philosophical and theological masterpiece called Ecclesiastes is framed by the superlative construct “Vanity of vanities” (Eccl 1:2; Eccl 12:8). In the midst of this inclusio, out of his personal experience, Solomon provides ample reasons why he...

Biblical Counseling Series: The Reformed (Covenant) Approach Vs. The Dispensational Approach (Part Two)

In the last article, we examined the Reformed and Dispensational approaches to counseling. I noted although there were some similarities between the two theological systems, and there were also vast differences.The Reformed counselor observes problems, and solutions,...

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Inerrancy and the Biblical Covenants

Inerrancy and the Biblical Covenants

by Steven Hayes – The denial of Biblical inerrancy is a heresy that has plagued the Church to an increasing degree for the past several centuries; indeed, it continues to be debated by contemporary theologians.  For the Bible-believing Christian, the logical argument...

Have an Ordinary New Year!

Have an Ordinary New Year!

by Christopher Cone – Highlights. We are addicted to highlights. We subject ourselves to a continuous media stream telling us what is noteworthy and what isn’t. Is it re-tweetworthy? Is it worth a share or a status update? We have come to value style over substance...

Cut-and-Paste Theology

Cut-and-Paste Theology

by Daniel Goepfrich – I am conversing with a person via email right now who has a bad case (maybe even a fatal case) of what I call “Cut-and-Paste Theology.” In a previous post, I gave two reasons for why studying biblical theology is necessary: because you learn what...

Telling Our Kids About Santa Claus? (Spoiler Alert)

Telling Our Kids About Santa Claus? (Spoiler Alert)

by Joe Parle – I’d like to take some time to give my take on the issue of Santa Claus. Keep in mind that I am doing this as a concerned theologian and not as a judgmental finger pointing legalist who just seeks to ruin everyone’s fun. Godly people disagree on this...

Another Attack on Homeschooling?

Another Attack on Homeschooling?

by Charlie Clough – Remember those 4 quotes from the law journals against the right of parents to teach their children?  Ohio SB-248 is the first expression of their attempted implementation. Paganism, because it can't have unity by submission to the transcendental...

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